Frank at The Sirmarco Letters had a post about gayest video ever which reminded me of this video I saw a few days ago.
The group is called Bear Force 1 which I think is genius. The front man is a little out of shape and that just puts the right amount of English on the ball. Enjoy.


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View 12/19/11 9:47 AM 1st Walk in a larger map

Jen makes us fish & chips for dinner tonight.

This is what we look like after the 3rd straight viewing of Monsters vs. Aliens.

Jurys during a smoke break.

I took Finn with to morning coffee because he was awake at 6: 30 this morning. Together we watched people head to work, which made us feel good knowing we didn't work today. Suckers.

Today there was a blimp in the sky as big as a house and it was out our back door. It was pretty cool.
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